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Birth of a star- SMMJ2135-0102
Sharpest Image Yet of Star-Birthing Factories
Lizard In Desert
Cooking A Lizard In Desert
Dangerous walkway in the world
Tiger eats cow
Live cow as lunch to tigers in a china zoo

Miss Russia

Pictures of contestants of Miss Russia Beauty Contest
Miss Russia

Sailing Stones

The mysterious sailing stones of Death Valley
Sailing Stones

Pictures From Space

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have used hand-held cameras to take photographs
World islands - Dubai

Doctor conducts self-surgery

Medical Issues
Surgeon In April, 29th, 1961 a doctor of the 6th Soviet Antarctic expedition Leonid Rogozov aged 27 made an appendix removal operation on himself using local anesthesia. He was assisted by an engineer and the station’s meteorologist.
Mar 28, 2010 | Read the full story

Facts about Dreams

Dreams Dreaming is one of the most mysterious experiences in our lives. During the Roman Era, some dreams were submitted to the Roman Senate for analysis and dream interpretation. They were thought to be messages from the gods.
Mar 25, 2010 | Read the full story

Kim Ung-Yong: World’s highest IQ

World News
Kim Ung Yong Kim Ung-Yong (born March 8, 1962) is a Korean child prodigy. Kim was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ"; the book estimated the boy's score at about 210.
Mar 23, 2010 | Read the full story

Casting Call

Casting Model During a cast call there are numerous activities that go on. First the beautiful women arrive dressed in their street garb. Next, they go through an amazing transformation. After hair, makeup, and wardrobe they emerge looking glamorous and very much like the movie stars and models they truly are.
Feb 04, 2010 | Read the full story

Bodyart, inspired by nature

11:12 am Reporter: sriharsha 3 Responses


France unveils secret images of aliens and their spaceships

11:10 am Reporter: sriharsha 0 Responses

France took the lead in providing UFO - OVNIs in French - information Thursday when its national space agency unveiled a website documenting more than 1,600 sightings during the past 50 years.

The website drew so much attention the host servers crashed several hours after it opened because of heavy traffic. The site is very well organized and complete, even including scanned copies of police reports.

UFOs have always generated intense interest and conspiracy theories about secretive government cover-ups of findings deemed too sensitive or alarming for public consumption.

Of the 1,600 cases registered since 1954, nearly 25 percent are classified as "type D," meaning that despite good or very good data and credible witnesses, we are confronted with something we can't explain, scientists say

Other countries collect data more or less systematically about unidentified flying objects, notably in Britain and in the United States, where information can be requested on a case-by-case basis under the Freedom of Information Act.


Ancient Mummy Warehouse Found Deep Beneath Egypt | Amazing News

5:44 pm Reporter: sriharsha 0 Responses
The tomb was discovered at the bottom of a 36-foot-deep (11-meter-deep) shaft, announced Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.

Eight of the mummies were in stone coffins, or sarcophagi. The rest had been placed in niches along the wall. 

The chamber was a "storeroom for mummies," said Hawass, who is also a National Geographic explorer-in-residence. 

The ancient warehouse dates back to 640 B.C. and the 26th dynasty, which was Egypt's last independent kingdom before it was overthrown by a succession of foreign conquerors, beginning with the Persians. 

Most of the mummies are poorly preserved, and archaeologists have yet to determine their identities or why so many are in a single room. 

One of the sarcophagi is made of wood and bears the name Badi N Huri but no other identifiers. "This one might have been an important figure, but I can't tell, because there was no title," Hawass's assistant Abdel Hakim Karar said. 

The rest of the sarcophagi—including four that are tightly sealed—have yet to be opened yet, Karar said. 

Karar added that it was quite unusual for mummies of this late period to be stored in rocky niches. "Niches were known in the very early dynasties, so to find one for the 26th dynasty is something rare," he said. 

Excavations have been ongoing at Saqqara for 150 years, uncovering a vast royal necropolis of pyramids and mummy-filled tombs dating mostly to the Egypt's Old Kingdom (2575 to 2150 B.C.), but including sites as recent as the Roman era. 

In the past, excavations have focused on just one side of two nearby pyramids—the famous Step Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser and that of Unas, the last pharaoh of the 5th dynasty. 

The area where the current tomb was found, to the southwest, has been largely untouched by archaeologists. 

Despite the years of excavation, new finds are constantly being made. In December last year two tombs were found near the current discovery. The tombs were were built for high officials—one responsible for the quarries used to build the nearby pyramids, the other for a woman in charge of procuring entertainers for the pharaohs. 

In November Hawass announced the discovery of a new pyramid at Saqqara, the 118th in Egypt, and the 12th to be found just in Saqqara (story and video of the November Egypt pyramid discovery). 

According to Hawass, only 30 percent of Egypt's monuments have been uncovered, with the rest still under the sand.